Alumni Network
An integral part of GCU’s sustainability, providing long-term value.
About 5,000 boys have been educated at GCU since its establishment in 1929. The old boys association has nineteen branches across multiple cities in three chapters – Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
GCU Old Boys AssociationAlumni Network
The hallmark of GCU old boys is their loyalty to GCU. The setting up of the Fisher Educational Development Trust and the Fisher Trust’s rebuilding of GCU is undeniable proof of their allegiance.
In fidelity to the GCU motto, the energy and resources of the old boys will continue to be deployed in nurturing future generations of boys who will go on to be standard setters and light bearers in their generation.

Alumni Support
The old boys hold an annual homecoming weekend in November. This event provides an opportunity to interact with current students.
In addition, the old boys will host regular mentoring sessions with current students and provide access to summer internship opportunities for eligible students.
The alumni association will continue to work at providing a supportive environment for successive generations of GCU students to excel as they navigate the world.